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PDFs of Publications
L-Carnitine Reverses Maternal Cigarette Smoke Exposure-induced Renal Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Mouse Offspring.
Oxidative Stress, Mitochondrial Perturbations and Fetal Programming of Renal Disease induced by Maternal Smoking.
Scar Classification Using Nonlinear Optical Microscopy and Discriminant Analysis.
Visible 532nm Laser Irradiation of Human Adipose Tissue-derived Stem Cells: Effect on Proliferation Rates, Mitochondria Membrane Potential and Autofluorescence.
Functional Hyperspectral Imaging Captures Subtle Details of Cell Metabolism in Olfactory Neurosphere Cells, Disease-Specific Models of Neuronal Disorders - Scientific Reports
Functional Hyperspectral Imaging Captures Subtle Details of Cell Metabolism in Olfactory Neurosphere Cells, Disease-Specific Models of Neuronal Disorders - Supplementary Materials
Quantitative non-invasive cell characterisation and discrimination based on multispectral autofluorescence features
Wide-field time-gated photoluminescence microscopy for fast ultrahigh-sensitivity imaging of photoluminescent probes
Statistically strong label-free quantitative identifcation of native fuorophores in a biological sample
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